Archives for Oct,2022

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Untitled Puzzle Game Devlog #1

This is the first article about a new game I’ve recently started working on, it’s a level-based physics puzzle game, currently untitled, hope you’ll enjoy the journey! 🙂 Basic game mechanics The main mechanic is something very simple, the character is a dynamic sphere linked to other spheres by small cylindrical sticks; some spheres are […]
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Updating Dangle Dash: a micro case study, part 2

Goal Sebastian wanted to update Dangle Dash by replacing the old Campaign mode with a new Career mode with way more levels (50+) and features and at the same time expand the in-game shops.He was finding it difficult to update the game with the system he had in place for level creation/advancement and the rigid […]
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Particle System for Buildbox 3, would it work in 2D worlds as well?

I’ve received this question a few days ago and realized it was a very good one, so much so I decided to write this small article to answer to it. To anyone wondering what I’m talking about: the Particle System is a complete particle engine for Buildbox 3 that you can use to create special effects […]
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Updating Dangle Dash: a micro case study, part 1

Goal Sebastian wanted to update Dangle Dash by replacing the old Campaign mode with a new Career mode with way more levels (50+) and features and at the same time expand the in-game shops.He was finding it difficult to update the game with the system he had in place for level creation/advancement and the rigid […]
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